Recent days many cab companies and cabbies used to integrate mobile app and dispatching system to change the cab hailing process.Taxi Apps are Boom or Ban ?
Currently cab booking apps targeting to tap the big market in developed counties, this is due to higher penetration of passengers and drivers to engage with less effort. People feel secure and simple way for booking their local taxis, however this technology escalates to criminal activities in some cities. Many apps based taxi booking aims to provide safe and luxurious experience for both driver and passenger and gives taxi ride in reasonable price. It’s a huge benefit for cabbies and people to transfer money through credit cards, so that this would avoid risk of travelling with bulk amount.
Taxi service companies are actually facing lots of hurdles in expanding their business however it makes change on businesses and human behaviour of taxi rides. In order to expand the taxi business they would provide lot of bonus and offers on rides as well as they should get potential people to invest on their businesses. As everyone know the taxi app uber has raised $1.2 billion at $40 billion funding last week, at the same time uber facing huge trouble of taxi service ban in many countries. Transportation industry obviously moving forward to advance technologies, regardless of motivation of cab companies the government action stands the way on banning mobile taxi app services. Its not an ultimate solution to weed out criminal activities, instead they should be regulate to route taxis properly.