You could pick following apps that will tell you when your car requires to be serviced.
It is a free smartphone application to allow you to track your vehicle maintenance schedule, Model no, Make & license plate no etc.
Do you like your vehicle get started before you get into that? Vipersmart is an application to allow you to start vehicles remotely. But viper alarm should install in your bike or car.
Car Trouble
It is quite helpful app which letting you to troubleshoot the problem in your vehicle and also provides step by step assistance to solve the problem.
Tripple A Roadside
You do not worry about waiting for roadside help. This app allows you to find an authorized roadside assistance company in your location.
Car Care & Roadside Assistance
It is a bit similar to Car Trouble, also provides step by step guidance for how to fix engine over heating, how to change a flat tire and other trouble shooting tips.
No one wants to crash however, this application would help you to find near by taxis and tow trucks. This app also let on to store pictures, log to store accident histories etc.