User Manual

Support materials to explore TaxiMobility modules



Language -It enables users to select from a list of languages displayed in the application including English, Russian, Turkish, German, Portuguese, and Arabic to get the text displayed in the preferred language. Customized language from the back end will be updated to mobile apps, once the app is closed and reopened. Users can also enable the split fare, favorite place, and favorite drivers features, if preferred.

Split fare –To share ride fare with their friends in the contact list.

Favorite place –To show the nearest 3 favorite places (from those places already set as favorites) in the booking page.

Favorite Drivers – To select the favorite driver (from those drivers already set as favorites) for each ride.

Privacy Settings –  The passengers can dissolve their account by using the “Privacy Settings” menu. Once he/she clicks on the “Delete Account” button, they will be asked to enter their password to proceed further.



